A multi-farm collaboration

C.S.A. stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is a creative agricultural business model in which farmers sell shares in their harvest directly to local customers before the growing season begins. Folks who purchase those shares are known as C.S.A. members. They collect their share of fresh produce every week for the duration of the season.
EVERY C.S.A. IS DIFFERENT. Some are big, some are small. Some have fleets of tractors, acres of greenhouse space, and dozens of field workers. Some are much simpler in scope. But every C.S.A. revolves around one idea: a shared commitment between farmers and C.S.A. members, with each member receiving the best share possible on every single distribution day. We have honored that commitment every year since 2009.
At its heart, our C.S.A. is a collaboration between several exceptional Vermont farmers and Pakeen Farm here in Canton, MA.
The Certified Organic vegetables that comprise the core of each C.S.A. share are grown in Vermont, and delivered to Pakeen Farm every Wednesday from late July through mid-November. These crops are meticulously planned, so as to provide an incredibly diverse, well-rounded share every week for the duration of our New England growing season.
Add-on options such as fruit, eggs, and pick-your-own items are grown by farmers in Vermont and Massachusetts, including our own Farmer Dave at Pakeen Farm.

YOUR C.S.A. farmers
Up in Vermont, they are known as "Muddy Boots CSA." Down here in Canton, we call them by their first names. And they are the real deal.
They each manage incredible farms of their own, and when it comes to growing vegetables, these guys are productive in ways that Pakeen Farm simply can't match. Check 'em out!
OUR C.S.A. SEASON BEGINS IN LATE JULY with a delicious selection of fresh summer vegetables, such as TOMATOES, CUCUMBERS, MESCLUN SALAD MIX, SWEET CORN, CARROTS, PEPPERS, SWEET ONIONS, EGGPLANT, GREEN BEANS, ZUCCHINI & SUMMER SQUASH. Then, as the days grow shorter and temperatures begin to drop, hearty fall vegetables join the mix, such as WINTER SQUASH, POTATOES, ONIONS, SWEET POTATOES, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, SWEET CARROTS, BEETS, CABBAGE & KALE.
Add-on options such as fruit, eggs, meat, and pick-your-own items are grown by farmers in Vermont and Massachusetts, including our own Farmer Dave at Pakeen Farm.